Why Is Addiction Classified as a Disease?

Question by cagewalker: Why is addiction classified as a disease?
I want to see the answers. I will the best answer when I see it.
Here is the definition of disease:
a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms.
Also, can we address the issue of “loss of control” here.

Best answer:

Answer by Troubled Parent?
Addictions are classified as diseases because they can hurt/kill the person and supposivly the person can’t help it. Personally I think that that is a load of crap. It might be hard, but if someone has enough will power and wants to quit and additicion they can. I know people that have quit smoking crank cold turkey after smoking it nearly every day for nearly five years! Don’t tell me everyone can’t do that. It’s completly metal.

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