Residential Drug Rehab 'dying' in Scotland Warns Expert

Residential drug rehab 'dying' in Scotland warns expert

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

An emergency summit is to be held to discover why occupancy rates at Scotland's residential drug treatment centres are so low. It comes as one expert has warned that residential rehab – one of the Scottish government's key planks in its drugs strategy …
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Hazelden Introduces Antiaddiction Medications into Recovery for First Time

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

Founded on the idea that abstinence is the bedrock of any recovery from drug or alcohol addiction, Hazelden will now incorporate anti-addiction medications in its rehabilitation programs. Treating drug addiction is as much about addressing why people …
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St Jude Retreats Interviews Addiction Researcher About Prescription Drug Use

Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program

The St Jude Retreats is a non-disease, non-treatment based drug and alcohol program implementing proprietary methodology called Cognitive Behavioral Education SM(CBE). The program is the only effective alternative to alcohol rehab and drug treatment …