President Obama Sending First-Time Drug Offenders to Rehab Instead of Jail

President Obama Sending First-Time Drug Offenders to Rehab Instead of Jail

Filed under: drug rehabs recently gave President Obama a “promise kept” on a drug enforcement policy change. In 2007, Senator Obama promised to send first-time drug offenders to rehab instead of jail. Obama wanted to treat drugs as more of a health issue than a …
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High time for drug reform but not legalisation says senior Tory MP NICK DE BOIS

Filed under: drug rehabs

Here, senior Tory MP Nick de Bois, who helps lead the party's influential 1922 Committee, argues that drug addicts should receive treatment, not prison sentences. But reformed addict and author Barry Woodward – whose charity Proclaim Trust talks to …
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Funding call for controversial gang drug rehab programme

Filed under: drug rehabs

A controversial drug detox programme for gang members has completed its four year trial claiming success. The eight-week residential programme, run by the Salvation Army and the Mongrel Mob, is now up for evaluation by the Ministry of Health, but its …
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