(Mississippi) Underage Drinking Prevention in Mississippi: A Collective Perspective
(Mississippi) Underage Drinking Prevention in Mississippi: A Collective Perspective – This video increases awareness of the consequences related to underage alcohol use and encourages parents and other community stakeholders in Mississippi to take action against underage drinking. Thisvideo was produced through the SAMHSA/CSAP Underage Drinking Prevention Education Initiatives (UADPEI) in an ongoing collaboration with States and Territories to produce videos that support local underage drinking prevention communications efforts. Across the Nation, every State and Territory is unique and so are their approaches to preventing and reducing underage drinking. The video project supports the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Strategic Initiative #1: Prevention of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness, which states, “… prevention of underage drinking [is] a priority for States, Territories, Tribal entities, universities and communities.” For more information or resources, visit: www.stopalcoholabuse.gov starttalkingnow.org store.samhsa.gov
Kosersky: How many times must we ask why?
Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age
Studies show that these countries have a lower crime rate than in the United States. In Britain, special … In Japan, if a person has a record of criminal action, mental illness, or drug abuse the person will not be able to obtain a gun. In Canada …
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Millions Die From Car Emission In India And China
Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age
These risks cause substantially lower burden in women than in men, because women drink less and in less harmful ways than do men, and fewer smoke or have smoked for a shorter time than have men in most regions. In 2010, tobacco … For people aged 15 …
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Getting a gun in Japan
Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age
But go back before Scalia and before the NRA started their lobbying (1970's) – the Supreme Court, and lower courts also, said the 2nd amendment conferred on state militias a right to bear arms – but did not give individuals a right to own or carry a …
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Eastern Mennonite alum remains leading researcher into bipolar disorder
Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age
“The Old Order Amish of Lancaster County have a lower incidence of mental illness than the general population, but a much higher incidence of bipolar disorder, ” said Hostetter. Bipolar disorder, also called manic … They prohibit the use and abuse of …
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