RELATIONSHITS: DATING A DRUG ADDICT – this was the hardest of all to discuss because it is so emotionally hard. Abuse is bad but the addict affects you because your worried this person will die a…


Parents seek aid for prescription drug addicts

Filed under: drug addiction treatments

Now, this same group of parents is back at the Capitol, saying the Cuomo administration is failing follow through on the second phase of their effort to combat prescription drug abuse: expanded drug treatment. “While this was a wonderful law, they're …
Read more on Buffalo News


Health professionals getting hooked on Michael Jackson drug propofol

Filed under: drug addiction treatments

Many of the patients started using propofol to help them sleep, but they quickly became addicted to the drug. Most sought addiction treatment within a few months of starting to abuse the drug, while five patients entered treatment after a single …
Read more on The Courier-Journal