Born Addicted: Treating Drug-Dependent Babies


Born Addicted: Treating Drug-Dependent Babies – Hospitals in Florida and elsewhere are grappling with the latest fallout from the epidemic of prescription-drug abuse: babies born addicted to painkillers. T…


Specialty court, specialized problems

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

The judge then sentences the teen to a program that may include time at a treatment center. In Juvenile Drug Court, designed for teens ages … Each child is tested frequently to make sure he is "clean" or free from drugs, and those who remain clean …
Read more on Altoona Mirror


Mooneyham: Database for drug addiction

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

The typical morphine addict was a white, middle- or upper-class woman, often a widow, usually prescribed the drug to treat arthritis or other pain-inducing disease. The federal government eventually began cracking down on what was then described as an …
Read more on Greenville Daily Reflector