Am I Eligable on an Idividual Health Insurance Policy if I Was Declined by Golen Rule?

Question by Renee: Am i eligable on an Idividual Health Insurance Policy if I was declined by Golen Rule?
The reason stated was due to excessive marijuana and alcohol use. March, 2007, I admitted myself to a Drug and Alcohol Rehab facility. I admitted to using alcohol and marijuana. I am clean and sober today. I have no other health issues. I am a 51 year old female. I’ve and 5 feet 3 inches tall and weigh 115 pounds. I get regular physical and do not have anything wrong with me. When will I be eligible under an individual health insurance plan?

Best answer:

Answer by Insurance
You’ll be eligible in 2014 when insurance companies can’t deny people for pre-existing conditions. But, you can expect to pay 2-3 times that of someone who hasn’t been in rehab….but maybe not that much since it’ll be seven years in the past at that point.

For now, you’ll need to turn to your state’s high risk pool plan.

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