Christian Rehab Helps Christians in New Hamphire Who Struggle With Addiciton and Alcoholism


Christian Rehab Helps Christians in New Hamphire Who Struggle With Addiciton and Alcoholism – Christians in New Hampshire seek relief from drug addiction and alcoholism problems by entering in a Christian rehab program in Florida called Transformations Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center. Drug addiction has quickly became a major issue for New Hampshire residents and local churches are beginning to see addiction as an issue that needs to be address by substance abuse professionals and the spiritual guidance of a Christian drug and alcohol rehab center. Transformation has stepped up to offer helpful advice on what too look for in a Christian rehab center.


Massachusetts cracks down on three more pharmacies

Filed under: drug rehab centers in nh

Massachusetts pharmacy operations have been under close scrutiny since New England Compounding Center, a specialty pharmacy, shipped thousands of vials of a tainted steroid to medical facilities throughout the United States. According to the Centers …
Read more on The Union Leader


Study Compares Standard Against Newer Treatment in Women Whose Breast

Filed under: drug rehab centers in nh

Lebanon, NH -Results from a phase III clinical trial comparing a newer chemotherapy agent called eribulin mesylate with capecitabine, a standard drug used for chemotherapy today in women with previously treated metastatic breast cancer, showed that …