Christians and Non-Christians Alike: Survey?
Question by I LIKE CHOCOLATE MILK!!!: Christians and non-Christians alike: Survey?
There are 18 questions in this survey. You may answer as many as you like and your answer may be as long as you like. They deal with political issues of the US and your stance on them.
1. Do you believe that this country was founded on a belief in God and the moral principles of the BIble? Do you believe that it has been departing from these principles and needs to return to them?
2. Do you oppose of abortion-on-demand when the life of the mother is not in danger?
3. Do you favor voluntary prayer in public school if led by students?
4. Would you favor stricter laws relating to the sale of pornography?
5. Do you favor stronger laws against the use and sale of hard drugs?
6. Are you in favor of legalizing marijuana?
7. Would you favor legalizing prostitution?
8. Do you favor laws that would increase homosexual rights?
9. Would you vote to permit known homosexuals to teach in schools?
10. Do you favor the rights of parents to send their children to private schools?
11. Do you favor more federal government involvement in education?
12. Do you favor capital punishment for capital offenses?
13. Do you favor removal of the tax-exempt status of churches?
14. Do you believe the government should be able to remove children from parental care even when there is no physical abuse?
15. Do you favor sex education, contraceptives, or abortions for minors without parental consent?
16. Except in wartime or dire emergency, would you vote for government spending that exceeds revenues?
17. Do you favor a reduction in taxes to allow families more spendable income?
18. Do you favor a reduction in government?
Thank you for your time and input.
This survey did not come from me. I copied it from a book, and I was interested in what the reactions would be to it. I may, in fact, post this in other sections, but I wondered how people here would react to it.
Just some thoughts.
Best answer:
Answer by 2 dogs and a little crazy
not in the mood for the survey…
Add your own answer in the comments!