Dina Lohan Says Lindsay Lohan Is 'So Screwed Up' Because She 'Saw Her Dad

Dina Lohan Says Lindsay Lohan Is 'So Screwed Up' Because She 'Saw Her Dad

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Dina made the shocking revelations of domestic abuse during an interview with reporters in Long Island, N.Y., and provided medical records to back up her claims, according to the New York Daily News. “Lindsay saw her dad abuse me — that's … “I'm so …
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The 25 Best and Worst Sex Moments of 2012

Filed under: drug rehabs in ny

California voters became the first in the nation to block caretakers from forcing minors into reparative therapy, the harmful treatment that sometimes includes shock therapy in an attempt to change the sexual orientation of LGBT children. In a widely …
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Nadya 'Octomom' Suleman back on welfare

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Suleman had a rough year last year, after losing her California home to foreclosure, addressing allegations of abuse from her former nannies and hairdresser while also entering into a 30-day drug rehab program, Suleman is now faced once again with …
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