Does Anyone Else See a Common Personality Profile in AA?

Question by abnjim5: Does anyone else see a common personality profile in AA?
I have been researching self-help groups and find a common psychological profile with Alcoholic Anonymous members. Among the many characteristics that I have discovered is a strong desire to seek assistance outside their bodies (brain) with their addiction to alcohol. Most will speak of a god or a spirit that is responsible for their “recovery” form drugs like alcohol. The use of self-will or using positive cognitive energy is discouraged. This finding of entities outside the body contradicts personal problem solving as I know it because to unlearn a behaviour (they say disease) one must go to the source of addictions which is in the body. I am puzzled, can anyone help me understand this AA process?

Best answer:

Answer by saluki, from little egypt
Yeah…we’re all prone to addiction. Go figure…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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With rise in prescription drug use comes greater addiction

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Roni Codett, LPN (right) administers methadone to an unidentified client at the Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center / Center for Recovery in Newburgh, NY on Wednesday, September 26, 2012. CHET GORDON/Times Herald-RecordCHET GORDON/Times Herald …
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'Treatment Works' Recovering addicts share stories of hope, survival

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Alcohol and drug addiction took two Orangeburg residents down a hard road that led to job loss, family abandonment, declining health and, ultimately, loss of dignity. But Jason and Amanda — whose last names are not being used to protect their …
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"Behind each of these statistics are individuals, families and communities suffering from the consequences of abuse and addiction. We must continue to promote robust prevention, treatment and recovery programs throughout our country," she added.
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The University emphasizes the dignity and equality common to all persons and adheres to a strict search procedures, conducting searches in a timely manner, and knowing and following AA/EEO and by the candidate, a Hiring Administrator and/or Search Committee should ask if there is anyone else with … Visit Document

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Notice that although AA provides the meeting place, it does not exert control over the nature of the games that are At various times, even the clever use of language or an appeal to common sense cannot Moreover, they may be as convinced as anyone else of the validity of their performances. … Access Document