Drug Addiction Treatment CA
Drug Addiction Treatment CA – California Drug Addiction Treatment Speaker, Dr. Stein, was certified by the American Society of Addiction Medicine in 1996. Dr Stein, provides those afflicted with drug and alcohol addiction the professional medical opinion and insight of the holistic drug rehabilitation program. Dr. Stein gained his practical experience for his required hours to achieve Board Certification as a Santa Cruz County Medical Director working directly with the addicted. www.drugrehab.net
From Twitter:
#Acupuncture in the #Treatment of #Drug #Addiction #ChineseMedicine #Needles #detoxification #Detox #Qi #Yin #Yang http://t.co/MRuftF8s – by wokyt (Jose Juan Gutierrez)
From Twitter:
@frappalatte RT @RehabMarketing: When a Drug Addict Isn’t Ready to Accept Help: http://t.co/k5u2besA #addiction #treatment – by BeanHappyLove (?Sweet Pea?)
From Twitter:
A new treatment facility for those battling drug and alcohol addiction could soon be opening in Rochester. http://t.co/JjEWmMXj – by ABC6NEWS (KAAL TV)