DRUGS, ALCOHOL & ASTRAL ENTITIES – www.TheNewAeon2012.com Simply saying the cold Truth about Drugs & Alcohol and their VERY dangerous connections to the Lower Astral Realms. Just doing my part to wake up the “New Agers”. Sorry…not really trying to make friends here. Just saying what needs to be said! This subject is deadly serious and, sadly, scores of supposedly “spiritual” people erroneously believe that it’s okay to “take trips” and so forth. After bitter experience, comments are now only allowed with my approval, so don’t bother debating this with me in the comments section…however, for the many who will disagree with this video, I WILL say this feel free to name just ONE genuine Spiritual Master (as in a great Yogi, like Paramahansa Yogananda, for instance) that condones drug use as a legitimate path to “enlightenment”. Just one will do. Email me or, by all means, write a comment and I will certainly approve it. But the fact is you will never, ever find a True Spiritual Master that approves “trips”. NEVER. This proves BEYOND any doubt that it is very destructive to do this sort of thing, and the people who do and still think of themselves as genuinely being “spiritual” need to take a good look at themselves! The Truth hurts…I know. Sorry. Listen to theamazing 15000 word Automatic Writing “ATLANTEAN ORIGINS OF THE ILLUMINATI BLOODLINES” here: www.youtube.com Written one year before information about the Papal Illuminati Bloodlines has begun to surface on the net, proving that the channelling was