Has Anyone Noticed the Huge Distrust of US Gov’t by Its Own Citizens? What Is Going On?

Question by truth went trendy: Has anyone noticed the huge distrust of US gov’t by its own citizens? What is going on?
Why doesn’t anyone trust our gov’t anymore? Just look at the questions being asked on yahoo.answers. Even more telling look at the answers! Everyone talking about Dem. and Rep. seems pointless. The distrust is equal on all sides. Why is this happening? Seriously, everyone is talking about how corrupt the US and seems to accept it. Has being an american always felt this way (kinda scary)? What has led us to were we are? Is anyone trying to fix it? Its so hard to get news that isn’t biased.

Best answer:

Answer by Dale W
it is in our culture to distrust government as it should be our nation was founded on the distrust of the british empire the distrust for our government is the reason we have yet to have a hitler or stalin lets hope we keep up the good work

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