How Much Does a Drug Rehab Usually Cost?
Question by yayaquack: How much does a drug rehab usually cost?
Just curious. Anybody ever gone to a rehab before? Does it work?
Best answer:
Answer by SA16
It is often free through government subsidized programs. There are private rehabs, however, that you must pay for. It also depends on whether it is inpatient or outpatient, and how long you are there. For example, 21 day program is obviously cheaper than a 90 day program.
It does work for many people. But, many, many people have to go more than once for it to “take.” Addictions are tough. The best predictors of success include readiness to change (for real) and the person’s support network (family, friends, priest, etc.).
If you are ready, please talk with your doctor or a psychiatrist. They are more than ready to help, and can recommend treatment and rehab strategies. Good luck.
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