I Need to Find Drug Rehabs in Lewiston, Maine. How Will I Do This?
Question by annalisa la: I need to find drug rehabs in Lewiston, Maine. How will I do this?
I have to do this for my brother, who is currently suffering from heroin addiction. Our parents are both away, and I’d hate to give them the news. So now I have to take care of everything, including getting my brother treated. I plan on telling my parents this, but not now. I don’t want them to have to worry. My brother says it’s best not to tell them now too. He says to wait until he’s on the way to recovery. Can anybody tell me how I’m going to find drug rehabs?
Best answer:
Answer by abbie f
Are you sure that you’re going to be ok with handling this all by yourself? It’s tough to have to go through this. Do you have any relatives nearby who can help you? Anyway, you can take your brother to the doctor. That way, he can get himself checked up by a professional and the doctor will be able to tell you what kind of treatment program will be best for him as well as which drug rehabs can provide him with this kind of treatment. The links that I have put below will be helpful to you too. I sincerely hope that your brother gets treated soon. Good luck to you both!
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