If Your Favorite Pro Wrestler Is a Drug Addict Will You Still Cheer for Them?
Question by CHRIS BENIOT FAN (HUNG T): If your favorite pro wrestler is a drug addict will you still cheer for them?
Do you like Jeff’s mugshot?
I am using his mugshot as my profile pic right now.
Unlike others I leave my profile open for all to see. I have nothing to hide. Please feel free to look at my questions, notice the people who answer them and come to your own conclusion as to if I am a useless piece of garbage or one of the better users in this section.
Best answer:
im still a jeff hardy fan, can’t hate him for his flaws, hes just human…his body has gone through more than most peoples ever will in a life time…and hes only 32 years old…and he did it all to entertain us..
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!