Ky. Panelists Say Abuse Treatment Can Change Lives

Ky. panelists say abuse treatment can change lives

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

The law reduced incarceration times for people awaiting court action on drug offenses. As an alternative, legislators required that more emphasis be put on providing offenders with substance abuse treatment. The goal of the law was to both reduce …
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Staten Island families taking a stand, declaring September 'Alcohol and

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

That's the message the borough's treatment community strove to get across at a Borough Hall proclamation ceremony Wednesday declaring September "Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Recovery Month." Borough residents, especially those with …


Gambling Addiction Prevention, Treatment Funds Increase As Problem Grows

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Gambling Addiction Prevention, Treatment Funds Increase As Problem Grows. Friday September 20, 2013 5:43 PM UPDATED: Friday September 20, 2013 6:06 PM. By Jim Heath. A quarter of a million Ohioans are believed to be gambling addicts or at risk.
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Christie touts drug court program in accepting award from Somerset County

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

“If each one of you here tonight found a way to reach out your hand to support someone struggling with the illness of addiction, you never know what kind of impact that little gesture might have on their life,” Craig Hanlon, now an attorney, said as he …