Matthew Perry Is Helping Drug Addicts Beat Their Demons (Pic: Getty)

Matthew Perry is helping drug addicts beat their demons (Pic: Getty)

Filed under: drug rehabs

Perry, who has made three separate stints to rehab himself to fight an addiction to painkillers and alcohol, said of his Oval Office dream: 'I think I've been to rehab too many times to run for office.' Perry spoke about his bid to change life during …
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No drug rehabilitation in prison, inmate testifies in court

Filed under: drug rehabs

Two inmates who pleaded guilty to possession of ganja at Northward Prison were given custodial sentences to run concurrently with whatever term they are serving at the moment. Robert Lewis Terry, 27, admitted having three small packets of marijuana on …
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Court: Can drug companies pay to delay generics?

Filed under: drug rehabs

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is considering whether drug companies should be allowed to pay generic drugmakers to keep lower-priced versions off the market for a while. Justices will hear arguments Monday from federal officials trying to …
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From Twitter:

Why Is the U.S. Funding International Drug Rehabs Known for Torture and Abuse? | Alternet by @KristenGwynne – by JonSpiegler (Jon Spiegler)


From Twitter:

Why Is the U.S. Funding International #Drug #Rehabs Known for Torture & Abuse? (via @TransformDrugs) Why can’t the US fund MORE US rehabs? – by maevro (M. Rosenfeld, RAS II)


From Twitter:

Why Is the U.S. Funding International Drug Rehabs Known for Torture and Abuse?: Alternet – by TransformDrugs (TransformDrugPolicy)