NJP: Public Healthcare for Children & Youth in Washington State


NJP: Public Healthcare for Children & Youth in Washington State – This is a brief webcast about public healthcare for children and youth up to age 21. Know about kids’ rights to get all the medical and mental health care that they need! This webcast was produced by the Northwest Justice Project www.nwjustice.org and TeamChild http You can help us make NJP’s videos better! Please let us know what you thought about the video by answering a brief survey at this link: www.surveymonkey.com * * * * * In Washington State, kids can apply for healthcare benefits with a parent or guardian at a local community service office of the Department of Social and Health Services. You can find your local community service office online: www.dshs.wa.gov To grow up healthy and strong, kids should regularly go to the doctor. Regular check-ups and visits to a doctor when a child is sick or needs a specific kind of treatment are guaranteed for kids who have public medical assistance (like Medicaid). Whose healthcare rights are we talking about? 1. Children and youth, age 20 and younger 2. who receive Medicaid or another state medical benefit like Apple Health for Kids or the Children’s Health Insurance Program. (Kids who have a “medical coupon” or a Provider One card probably have Medicaid or other medical assistance.) What healthcare can youth get? Children and youth who have public medical assistance have the right to get all “medically necessary” healthcare treatment. This means regular check-ups and health screenings. It also means any treatment that is


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Last year, marijuana use accounted for nearly half of youth admissions to treatment facilities in Washington state, according to data released in October from the Substance Abuse and Mental . More than 4,200 young people …
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As PULSE celebrates the miracle of Hanukkah, we wonder if Washington will soon pull off another miracle of its own — solving the fiscal cliff in time for all of us to get Christmas week off. … Just a few states officially remain undecided. http …
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But as we have explained before, there are four parts to Medicare: Part A (hospital insurance), Part B (medical insurance), Part C (Medicare Advantage — private plans for parts A and B), and Part D (prescription drug plans). When Graham … Spokesman …
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