Obamacare's Rationers Employ the "It'S Good for You" Defense
Obamacare's Rationers Employ The "It's Good For You" Defense
Filed under: drug treatment news 2010
Right now, they argue, drug firms need not demonstrate that their product is better than those already on the market — only that it is effective at treating the disease it targets. Drug companies have little incentive to compare their … In October …
Read more on Forbes
From Man Who Insulted Muhammad, No Regret
Filed under: drug treatment news 2010
His anger seemed so intense over the years that even from a federal prison in 2010, he followed the protests against the building of an Islamic center and mosque near ground zero in New York as he continued to work on his movie script. Until now, only …
Read more on New York Times
Few Doctors Choosing to Specialize in Geriatrics
Filed under: drug treatment news 2010
Yet experts think more geriatricians like Sheyner could be the key to fixing a health care system that spends too much on too many doctors, drugs and surgeries for frail seniors who don't benefit and may even be harmed by excessive care. … "The usual …
Read more on The Ledger