OU Finds Students' High-Risk Drinking Down by 15 Percent
OU finds students' high-risk drinking down by 15 percent
Filed under: drug addiction help centers
The Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) survey is administered every other year by the department of Health Promotion in the Campus Involvement Center, as part of the U.S. Department of Education's Drug-Free Schools Act Biennial Review Report. "We are very …
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Irvine calendar, March 21 to 28
Filed under: drug addiction help centers
The meeting will feature topics that include current trends and dangers of these drugs, testimony from a family impacted by drug abuse, prevention techniques, strategies for parents and resources available in Orange County. This event will take place …
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Poison center offers prevention advice
Filed under: drug addiction help centers
… accidental poisonings of children and adults, drug overdoses, bites and stings, adverse drug reactions, medication errors, exposure to chemicals, poisoning of animals, chronic lead poisoning, plant or mushroom ingestion and poisonings from drug abuse.
Read more on Beckley Register-Herald
Annual survey finds 203 homeless in Howard
Filed under: drug addiction help centers
However, Andrea Ingram, executive director of the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center in Columbia, said the number of homeless is higher than the survey indicates. "This is a snapshot of … Guests are typically dealing with a mental health or …
Read more on Baltimore Sun (blog)