Seeking Better Public Image, Fracking Industry Adopts New Identity: Saudi

Seeking Better Public Image, Fracking Industry Adopts New Identity: Saudi

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Bin Talal's suggested response to the problem was to diversify the nation's energy supplies. In his letter, he encouraged the government to “establish a clear vision for that and start implementing it immediately.” Solar, nuclear and wind power were …
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BIDMC study suggests worsening trends in back pain management

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

"Back pain treatment is costly and frequently includes overuse of treatments that are not supported by clinical guidelines, and that don't impact outcomes," says lead author John N. Mafi, MD, a fellow in the Division of General Medicine and Primary …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)


Heed the new age of anxiety rather than bemoaning it

Filed under: drug abuse treatment cost analysis program

Rather than seeing such symptoms as signs that something is wrong at a more fundamental level, they are read as local disturbances that cutting edge drugs will get rid of. Aside from the absurdity of seeing anxiety as a brain disorder, the logic here …
Read more on The Guardian