Silent Killer May Lurk in Baby Boomers' Blood

Silent killer may lurk in Baby Boomers' blood

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

That discovery led to a costly drug treatment with miserable side effects, but Hays looks back now as a man who is happy, cured and in disbelief. “It's amazing. … Hays' experience and birth year of 1950 put him at the heart of a new national …
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Moving People into Recovery and Wellness: Hartford-Based CCAR™ Awarded

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

Established in 2006, the Bridgeport Recovery Community Center uniquely offers help to people seeking recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction through referrals to treatment, access to recovery housing, job skills development, job searches, as …
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Building that houses recovery center to be auctioned

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

1 doesn't want to let a drug treatment facility stay and pay a drastically below-market rent, the Lamb of God will have to leave, Lewandowski and other directors of the center said. Where they will go is undetermined or in God's hands, Cullum said. "We …
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W.Va. governor rejects drugtreatment funding proposals

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

The Charleston Daily Mail said a report released last week had nine recommendations, including the two aimed at building treatment centers for some 150,000 addicts. The experts said raising cigarette taxes could create revenue for prevention or …
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