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abuse treatment program

How Effective Are Substance Abuse Treatments?

Question by scarlet j: How effective are substance abuse treatments?
I have recently convinced my husband to undergo a substance abuse treatment, and now I am searching for an addiction center that will fit him. But just a few days ago, a friend of mine called me, and said that his son went back to using drugs after two months of abstinence. Now, that gives me doubts if treatment programs can effectively help my husband. Is relapse a normal occurrence? Will I keep my trust on addiction treatment programs?

Best answer:

Answer by johnny c
Relapse does happen to a lot of recovering addicts, sometimes even earlier than they are expected (if they are at all). It is, however, not just to place doubt on the credibility of substance abuse treatments. In fact, addict patients in this generation should be gratified since they are luckier enough to be served with treatment programs that have a holistic approach to recovery, which older generations must have wished to have.

Though relapse can sometimes appear as a normal occurrence, it can be aptly avoided if a recovering addict pushes efforts to get away from the circumstances, people, or environment from which temptation may arise. This is why post-treatments such as counseling and group meetings are collaboratively helpful to support a recovering addict in his struggles with relapse attempts. The family and friends’ encouragement can’t also be discounted as a great help.

So now, I am hoping for your peace and your husband’s recovery!

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State disciplines health care providers

Filed under: drug abuse treatment programs

In August 2013 the Nursing Commission entered an agreement with registered nurse Gina L. Goodwin (RN00097130) that requires her to comply with a substance abuse monitoring program. In 2009 and 2010 she wrote or telephoned in more than 100 legend drug …
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Report: Kansas has eighth lowest drug overdose mortality rate in US

Filed under: drug abuse treatment programs

The number of drug overdose deaths, a majority of which are from prescription drugs, in Kansas doubled since 1999 when the rate was 3.4 per 100,000, according to the report, “Prescription Drug Abuse: Strategies to Stop the Epidemic.” … Kansas …
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Behavioral Health Expert Ben Brafman Expands Treatment Facilities to Address

Filed under: drug abuse treatment programs

In addition to expanding treatment programs, Brafman is also looking to expand the Academy for Addiction Professionals, a professionally accredited school for those looking to become behavioral health experts themselves by seeking a career in the field …
Read more on PR Web (press release)