addiction treatment centers

I Need to Find Addiction Treatment Centers in Presque Isle, Maine. How Will I Do This?

Question by camilla s: I need to find addiction treatment centers in Presque Isle, Maine. How will I do this?
I’m planning on doing a survey regarding addiction treatment centers and maybe even get a few interviews. I just want to know how I’m going to find them.

Best answer:

Answer by amy e
It’s pretty easy to find drug rehabs. Doing a search in yahoo or google will yield a lot of results. The links below will be able to help you. You can also look through the phone directory. Good luck! I do wish that you’ll be able to get the information you need.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



The Canyon Treatment Center Drug Alcohol Substance Addiction Rehab – The Canyon Treatment Center Drug Alcohol Substance Addiction Rehab.