addictive behavior

State Roundup: Miss. Gov. Says Medicaid Can Go on Without Reauthorization

State Roundup: Miss. Gov. Says Medicaid Can Go On Without Reauthorization

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida

A unique collaboration between the Georgia Association of Physician Assistants (GAPA) and Georgia State Parks seeks to promote physical fitness in a fresh-air way. … Two of the most logical places would be Florida and Arizona, where existing Mayo …
Read more on Kaiser Health News


A slide into abuse that enthralls, ravages addicts

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida

The Bayer Company first named and marketed the drug, initially trumpeted as a miracle drug less toxic and addictive than morphine, according to the Encyclopedia of Drugs, Alcohol & Addictive Behavior. Thanks to its highly addictive qualities and …
Read more on The Recorder


The Implications of the Affordable Care Act on People Involved with the

Filed under: drug abuse treatment association florida

The inclusion of mental health, behavioral health, and substance abuse disorder services is of critical importance to this population. States have the option of establishing “Health Homes” as a means to provide comprehensive case management and …