alcohol addiction treatment

How to Tell My Parents I Want Rehab?

Question by milky pirate;!: How to tell my parents I want rehab?
I have a God awful drug problem. I’m always broke because of it, and I once stole $ 20 from my dad, just for drug money. How would I tell my parents to put me in rehab? I’m 15..

Best answer:

Answer by bad girl
Tell them you must have an important conversation with them. Then tell them you have a drug problem and as hard as you have tried you cannot break it. Obviously you need trained care. Good luck.

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My New Life Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment: Dr. Foojan Zeine with Max Molavipour, RAS – My New Life: Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center in California: Dr. Foojan Zeine ( with Max Molavipour: Discussion on How to Re…