alcohol treatment centers

Drug Rehab Center in Hawaii?

Question by : drug rehab center in Hawaii?
can anyone help me find a drug detox in Hawaii that takes med quest insurance?? i know there are some,just not sure what there called. anything would help. thanks!!!

Best answer:

Answer by askforadvice2009
(DASH)/Methadone Maintenance Drug Addiction Services of Hawaii Inc

Substance abuse treatment, detoxification and methadone maintenance and detox – outpatient programs for adolescents, persons with co-occurring mental and substance abuse disorders, pregnant/postpartum women, women and men

Contact Email: [email protected]

Address: 1130 North Nimitz Highway
Suite C-302

Phone: (808) 538-0704


* Men Welcome
* Women Welcome
* Adolescents Welcome


Related Categories
Hawaii Drug Rehab Centers
Hawaii Alcohol Treatment Centers

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