Looking Back at the Last Year in HIV Science, Activism and Policy
Filed under: drug treatment news 2011
In 2007, Brown was given a stem cell transplant as part of his treatment for acute myeloid leukemia (AML). After 20 months without antiretroviral drug treatment, it was reported that HIV levels in Brown's blood, bone marrow and bowel were below the …
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Six year prison sentence in alleged huffing crash
Filed under: drug treatment news 2011
At Wednesday's hearing, Taylor admitted to failing to report since July 31 and to not completing his drug rehabilitation. He was sentenced in July 2011 for possessing Vicodin. On Wednesday, he was given a nine-month prison term with credit given for …
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U.N. says an end to AIDS in sight
Filed under: drug treatment news 2011
Some 8 million people were being treated with AIDS drugs by the end of 2011, a 20-fold increase since 2003. The United Nations has set a target to raise that to 15 million people by 2015. "Scaling up HIV treatment to 15 million people … is feasible …
Read more on Chicago Tribune