drug rehabilitation center

Free Drug Rehabilitation Centers in California/Nevada?

Question by J: Free drug rehabilitation centers in California/Nevada?
Hello – My family is having a hard time with my brother. He is currently living on a $ 500 month unemployment check. His girlfriend and him just broke up and he wants to move home with my parents. Unfortunately, he has been an alcoholic for the past 8 years of his life. My parent’s want to find a rehab center for him before he moves back home. He is 29 years old and drinks a 24 pack of beer every day. Please, my family doesn’t have any money to send him. Is there anywhere we can send him?

Best answer:

Answer by Jacklyn
There are government run rehab centers and some non government organizations you can look into. Can you give this number a try 888-653-8961 it offers free initial consultation and its toll free.My cousin referred that number to a friend who needed treatment.

Good luck friend and hope you get your brother the proper help he needs.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


New breakthrough for triple-negative breast cancer, Hispanic women to benefit?

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