illegal drugs

FDA Targets Antibiotics in Meat

FDA targets antibiotics in meat

Filed under: Drug Use Seattle

WASHINGTON — Citing a potential threat to public health, the Food and Drug Administration is taking steps toward phasing out the use of some antibiotics in animals processed for meat. Many cattle, hog and poultry producers give their animals …


Group Health approved for funding awards by PCORI

Filed under: Drug Use Seattle

"Group Health's work to reduce risks of drug addiction and overdose related to use of opiate analgesics is viewed as a national model for action to address the nation's epidemic of prescription drug abuse and overdose," Dr. Von Korff said. "This PCORI …
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Pentagon to test force for use of drug 'spice'

Filed under: Drug Use Seattle

Steven Warren said Monday that before the drug became illegal, random testing in 2012 in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps estimated use as high as 2.5 percent, more than twice as high as overall use of illegal drugs. Warren says that following …
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