mental health

Whats a Good Rehab Center in Texas or Near Albuquerque, New Mexico?

Question by johnsonbeth77: Whats a good rehab center in texas or near albuquerque, new mexico?

Best answer:

Answer by surfjax32
There are several good places in both states and several organizations that can help you. It is hard not know what your problem/addiction is to recommend a place. Each place may specialize in different areas. Some places to all kinds of rehab however they are usually really good or recommend for one thing. You need to find a place that specializes in your problem/addiction. Here are some places and also websites that tell about the organizations to help you and what each rehab specializes in. Also there are places that are all male or female if you prefer that. It also depends if you are looking for a day program, inpatient or outpatient program. The websites below can help you find places that will meet your needs.
This website is wonderful we have recommend it to several people (used to work in mental health) they have a 24 hour hotline that can help you find a place.

These are some clinics that I have recommended:

This place has locations in both TX and NM which could be helpful to continue OP treatment if you are going between each state.

As for places in TX there are several across the state. Here are a few that I have recommend people to:

Here are some other great sites that offer information and hotlines to help you find places, they also have counselors that will speak with you on the phone should you find yourself needing someone:

If you have insurance coverage you need to check with them before you go anywhere. Make sure you find out what your benefits are and what facilities they will cover. A lot of insurances require you to have “pre-certification” before you go. If you cannot make the call you can give permission to the person on the phone to speak with a relative and friend. I would hate to see you check into a clinic and have a huge bill because of the insurance. I know it is hard and I know that it is a pain to call them however when everything is said and done with you will be happy you did. If you do not have insurance contact the clinics they might be able to find ways to get some of your stay paid for with some of the state programs. I might also contact the department of health services they might be able to assist you in getting some type of help.
When you do find a facility to go to you need to contact them first. Why well you need to make sure they have room and some require appointments for evaluation. They do this so they can put you in the proper program. Again I understand how frustration this can be, but think of how frustrated you will be if you show up and they do not have room. Most places can get you in within a day or two, just be patient and use people for support until you get in. You can also call several hotlines that will help you stay on track! Good luck to you or whoever is seeking treatment, it is a huge step and one that you/they should be proud of. It is not easy, but you/they can do it. Get your family support and remember you/they are doing this so they can live life again.

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