mood swings

Sister on Drugs, Hard Situation…help Please ?

Question by Donovan T: Sister on drugs, hard situation…help please ?
Here is the situation- My sister has been doing drugs for a while now, shes 24, she has been on and off with her fiance, and been going back and forth from my dad’s house, mom’s house, brother’s house, and fiance’s house for the past week. (before that she was somewhere unkown) She has amazingly crazy mood swings constantly, she wants to go to rehab when she is calm, but when we bring it up she goes insane… she keeps running away and coming back, she might still be doing meth, We are all getting tired of it…what should we do ?

Best answer:

Answer by athame3891
Well..u could have an intervention…or ur family could take a stand and say that she cannot stay with them unless she is sober and willing to undergo a drug test to prove it–thats about all that u really can do-u can’t control someone else’s behavior, only whether or not ur going to enable that behavior

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