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Infinity Pharmaceuticals: Completion of Phase I/II Trials May Drive Stock

Infinity Pharmaceuticals: Completion Of Phase I/II Trials May Drive Stock

Filed under: drug treatment news articles

With regard to Heat shock protein 90 inhibitors in NSCLC, there are at present two other drugs in the same class intended to treat NSCLC: Synta's ganetespib (SNTA) and Novartis' NVP-AUY-922 (NVS). Ganetespib initial interim results published in June …
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Statin Anti-Cholesterol Drugs Revisited

Filed under: drug treatment news articles

Due to a belief that cholesterol causes coronary artery disease, statin drug reduction of cholesterol is a mainstream medical treatment intended to prevent heart disease. Do statin drugs prevent … This article will answer that question. Anti …
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Nadya Suleman's rehab: Octomom's father enters rehab with daughter

Filed under: drug treatment news articles

Nadya Suleman's rehab stint inside Chapman House Rehabilitation Center is only a week old, but she's already been joined at the center by her own dad, Ed Doud. According to, Doud has entered rehab in hopes of curing his addiction to alcohol.