news article

Prescription Drugs 'orphan' Children in Eastern Kentucky

Prescription drugs 'orphan' children in eastern Kentucky

Filed under: drug addiction news articles

"I don't know what was going on, but I knew something was wrong," said Watkins. His mother was dead after overdosing on Oxycontin. At the time, Watkins says that he and his mother had been estranged for years because of her prescription-drug addiction.
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'The consequences were serious'

Filed under: drug addiction news articles

He said Young — the mother of two young children — had a serious drug and alcohol addiction at the time and wants to get help while serving time in a federal institution, where there is better programming available than in this province …
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'Shopping addict' slugs store owner

Filed under: drug addiction news articles

In the past, Smith's drug of choice was Oxycontin and she had also been on the methadone program for over a year, he said. "She is at an age where she has to do something with her life," said Toffoli. "Drug abuse is not the answer. When she got six …
Read more on The Sudbury Star


The Doctor Won't See You Now

Filed under: drug addiction news articles

But in the broken-down rural hinterlands, EHR and other novelties make it more lucrative for surviving medical centers to prioritize federal paperwork over patient care. For example, there's a lot of prescription-drug abuse in this country, and so the …
Read more on National Review Online