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Is Cindy McCain Shady?

Question by Pablo: Is Cindy McCain shady?
Why is it such a big deal that she doesn’t disclose her income. John McCain has already stated that he gives the majority of his income to her. Is he basically hiding his Income behind his wife? Do you find this as shady dealings or questionable actions by a presidential nominee ?
Im not taking sides. all the other canidates have disclosed their joint filings Why all the secrecy?
Is it wierd that a married couple would be filing seperately ?

Best answer:

Answer by negaduck
i dont care about her income. couldnt care less. if this is enough to sway your vote between two such different candidates (obama and mccain) then you must not care much about politics.

What do you think? Answer below!


Nelsonville Police offer drug drop-off

Filed under: drug addiction news articles

… Police Department will participate a prescription drug drop box program. A press release from the department said that, according to the Ohio Department of Health, Southern Ohio is the “epicenter” of the prescription drug abuse problem in the state.
Read more on The Athens Messenger


52 Percent of Rwandan Youth Abuse Drugs – Report

Filed under: drug addiction news articles

In an interview with The New Times, Zaina Nyiramatama, the executive secretary of the National Commission for Children, said that drug abuse is a big threat and a serious issue among the youth. Nyiramatama stated that despite all the efforts from the …