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Can You Become Addicted to Opioids Using Tramadol?

Question by Chloe Megan: Can you become addicted to opioids using tramadol?
The BNF states that tramadol is not suitable in people with opioid addiction. So does this mean that tramadol is not addictive?

The BNF also states that one of the side effects of tramadol is diarrhea which doesn’t stick to the normal rules of opioids.

Is tramadol a “True” opioid?

Best answer:

Answer by silky1
The widely-prescribed prescription painkiller tramadol has tricked doctors, and in turn their patients, into thinking it is a safer alternative to what are considered stronger narcotic painkillers, such as OxyContin.

The truth is, tramadol can produce a morphine- or heroin-like high, and according to public health officials, it’s in the running to compete with OxyContin addiction.

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Bulletin Board

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Narconon addiction help, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days a week. Free consultation. Nonprofit organization dedicated to helping those with drug addiction. For help, call 1-800-556-8885. Narcotics Anonymous, meetings daily, various times, dates and locations …
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