prevention and treatment

Drug Rehab for Women Highlights the Importance of Gender-Specific Treatment

Drug Rehab For Women Highlights the Importance of Gender-Specific Treatment

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Biological and cultural differences between gender means that men and women handle addiction differently and should be treated differently and thus create their own pathways to wellness, this year's Recovery Month theme. Gender specific treatment and …
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Prescription Drug Abuse: More than Half of States Score 6 or Less out of 10 on

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

Currently only one in 10 Americans with a substance abuse disorder receives treatment. "Prescription drugs can be a miracle for many, but misuse can have dire consequences. The rapid rise of abuse requires nothing short of a full-scale response …
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Government Switches Strategy On Drugs

Filed under: drug abuse treatment

With strategies focused narrowly at reducing supply failing, the body cites the need to adopt more balanced approaches that include serious efforts – and funding – dedicated to drug abuse prevention and treatment services. The Department of Social …