prevention and treatment

Intervention-Stop Teen Drug Abuse, Start Drug Rehab Treatment, End Denial


Intervention-Stop Teen Drug Abuse, Start Drug Rehab Treatment, End Denial – Intervention stops your teen drug abuse, starts drug rehab treatment, ends the cycle of denial, and can cure your child at…


Tobacco Sales To Minors At Record Lows: Study

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

Mike Synar of Oklahoma, is a federal mandate requiring each state to document that the rate of tobacco sales to minors is no more than 20 percent at the risk losing millions in federal funds for alcohol and other drug abuse prevention and treatment …
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Sweet Cigarillos And Cigars Lure Youths To Tobacco, Critics Say

Filed under: drug treatment programs in dc

To examine how heavily companies market to young people, Cantrell sent field researchers out to about 750 small grocery and convenience stores in Washington, D.C.. Stores in areas … A spokesman said in an emailed response to NPR: "The company designs …
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