rehab center

Drug Rehab Centers in Texas? Where Is an Affordable/effective One?

Question by Miss Lauren: Drug Rehab Centers in Texas? Where is an affordable/effective one?
One of my good friends just finally found her brother on the streets. He is in bad shape and she won’t stop until he has hope again. I’m trying to help her find an affordable and successful Drug Rehabilitation Center possibly 1.5-2 hours away from Dallas. (Doesn’t have to be that specific, but its ideal).

If you’d like to read his story it’s pretty incredible.

She’s doing everything she can… but one person can only do so much. So I’m trying to do my part!

It would help me out so much if someone knew a little bit about one or two or even if you worked at one. I know nothing about them.


Best answer:

as one who has gone through treatment myself,more then once,i commend your wanting to help.i know from my own experience though,that if one doesn’t want the help it wont work,maybe for a short time but not in the long haul.he needs to find a bottom and suffer,finally getting tired of thinking things will be different this time.i don’t know where hes at in his addiction but theres all kind of support groups to get him started.or maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll get arrested and be forced to get some clean time.maybe if that happens he could plea to a judge for the help he needs.he has to see the problem first before he can seek help.good luck.

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