sacred heart

Drug Rehabilitation in Worcester, MA


Drug Rehabilitation in Worcester, MA – A short documentary called “And Then the Drink Takes the Man” by Varun Malkani about Community Healthlink in Worcester, MA. The movies focuses on the substance abuse aspect of the clinic and drug addictions in general. Songs are “The White Lady Loves You More” by Elliott Smith and “He Got Game” by Public Enemy.


Guest Opinion: Brownsberger talks what's next for Massachusetts

Filed under: drug rehab in ma

I will be working in the coming session to reform sentencing policies, particularly as to drug crimes, so as to reduce the long incarcerations that burden our taxpayers and keep us from making meaningful rehabilitation efforts. Finally, I will continue …
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Sharon Special Town Meeting 2012: Warrant Article Breakdown

Filed under: drug rehab in ma

Article 4 – Appropriation of Money from Community Preservation Fund for Rehabilitation of Sacred Heart Property. If passed, this article would allow the town to appropriate approximately $ 315,000 … The article would also authorize the town to call on …