scottish daily record

Luxury Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Center in Texas


Luxury Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Center in Texas – Located on a private 8-acre plateau with panoramic vistas of the rolling hills outside Austin, TX, Spirit Lodge helps men and women struggling with alcoholism or substance abuse reclaim their lives. Our highly individualized drug and alcohol treatment program assesses and meets the unique physical, mental, emotional, family, and spiritual needs of each client. That is because we recognize that there is no such thing as a “typical” addict. for more info visit : or call: 800-997-9357


Fears residential drug treatment is dying after expert reveals centres are

Filed under: drug rehab treatments

RESIDENTIAL drug rehab centres in Scotland are dying, an expert has warned. Intensive treatment for addicts is a key part of the Scottish Government's drugs strategy – yet some centres are less than half full. Now a summit has been called to look at …
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Hooked On Ritalin: The New Drug Habit

Filed under: drug rehab treatments

When you think of drug rehab, cocaine, heroin, and OxyContin come to mind. But some different drugs are sending an exploding number of kids into treatment. Medications for ADD and ADHD are being passed out, sold, and abused and sadly it's leading to …
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