seattle post intelligencer

Seattle 'Street Scene' Putting Millions in Tourism Dollars at Risk

Seattle 'street scene' putting millions in tourism dollars at risk

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Seattle

Weise, the hotel manager, was talking about tourists and their perception of Seattle's so-called "street scene," a euphemism used to refer to the mix of drug dealers, drug users, and homeless who linger in some of the city's most popular destinations.


BLACK FRIDAY LIVE: Shoppers find better online

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Seattle

Union representatives said there have been peaceful arrests in nine cities, including Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles, Dallas, Seattle and Sacramento, Calif. But Wal-Mart said that only six workers have participated … Friday, 4:05 p.m.: Formerly …
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Lead by example, it takes a village | Carter's Community

Filed under: Drug Addiction Help Seattle

What's the problem?” Alcohol has been legal in this state for years. Look at the problems it causes. That argument doesn't hold with me. Like food, both drugs and alcohol can be abused also. Perhaps if liquor stores remained open rather than retail …
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