substance abuse

Drug Test for Possesion Ocean City MD? on Court Date?

Question by PETE: Drug test for possesion Ocean city MD? on court date?
Me and my friend got arrested fo smokin 2 j’s on the street. Pretty stupid but shit happens. My friend already got an underage because he chugs dick but this is my first real offense. Are we going to get drug tested on our court date? or are we going to ever get drug tested. i called my lawyer and he said the worstthat can happen are fines and probation but we dont no if we get tested too. This is in maryland and we are from pa. We are over 18 and im going on that program to get expunged.

Best answer:

Answer by Philmore
It’s up to the judge during sentencing. As your lawyer said, you may get fines and probation, but you could also get mandatory drug testing and/or substance abuse treatment during your probation period. No way to tell until you are in front of the bench.

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