treating addiction

Straight Talk – Youth Drug Abuse Treatment Centre – AARC


Straight Talk – Youth Drug Abuse Treatment Centre – AARC – Dr. Dean Vause talks about youth alcohol and drug addiction. Affecting the youths development and the family as a whole. Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre i…


New findings could help improve development of drugs for addiction

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

While KOR has become the focus for drug discovery efforts aimed at treating addiction and mood disorders, KOR can react to signals that originate independently from multiple biological pathways, so current drug candidates targeting KOR often produce …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)


Three violent issues — one potential solution

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

The solution ultimately lies in eliminating (or reducing) American's demand for illicit drugs. First, if most common drugs were legalized, there could be no illicit trade, no turf wars, less violence, and drug users could come out of the closet (a …