treatment options

What Kind of Treatment Program Should a Xanax Addict Undergo?

Question by daniella s: What kind of treatment program should a Xanax addict undergo?
I was just wondering about this because I know there are a lot of treatment methods and programs available for illicit drug users. This made me think that surely there must be treatment options for people with Xanax addiction too.

Best answer:

Answer by aryana ns
There are indeed treatments available for those who are dependent upon Xanax. Xanax abuse treatment involves close monitoring along with counseling and various forms of therapies in outpatient or inpatient facilities. A good treatment would be one that encompasses a patient’s thought process and behavior. This will help them in coping with daily life. Xanax abusers should be tapered off gradually. Inpatient treatment centers, as well as 12-step programs, will be very beneficial to the patient. Substitutes may also be used in drug treatment exchanges. The medications can be dangerous, though, so it has to be administered carefully by a physician in an inpatient treatment. When done correctly, it can propel the patient to reach a zero dose of Xanax or other benzodiazepines.

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Narconon of Georgia surrenders license, avoids prosecution

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A controversial Norcross drug treatment facility with ties to the Church of Scientology will avoid any potential criminal charges after surrendering its license to the state. But the investigation into allegations of insurance fraud by those running …
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