united states

Fibromyalgia, Any Good Treatment Centers Near Detroit, How Do I Find Them?

Question by defenseonly: Fibromyalgia, any good treatment centers near Detroit, how do I find them?
I have fibromyalgia, similar to MS, all my nuerologist want to do is drug me, I am not for it, what are your resourcesif you have the illness or know of someone that does? I am in Detroit area suburbs. My insurance stinks

Best answer:

Answer by Julie
i have it……….. i am from Michigan but i live in wisconsin. i take pills. i have tryed so much i also have asthma so i cant take some meds. mine is so bad i cant work and depression set in bad…….i wish i knew as far as now there is no cure. i have been to so many specialist and go back to my family doctor since he helps the best!!! i have tryed chiropractors and these special herb things no it dont work!! stress is bad for us and walking is good. but all i can say is i feel ur pain. pray i do…………i hope u dont have to loss everything i did cuz of this!!! my came on after a car accident and my dad dieing. most people with this has had a trauma and also has been raped and or molested. my has only gotten worse……i gain weight and then lose it i have some good days i sometimes sleep days away………..i lost my boyfriend of 11 years cuz of it. i have no life……….i wait for my disability but its hard to get cuz the test i could take my insurance wont pay for…… i laugh at this to but try and relax and be stress free. i thought i was losing my mind at first but i have other health problems too. but this really stinks………they have a fibromyalgia foundation but it didnt really help me. but maybe get medical from state to help u should be able too…..

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Alternative Health Care Center Grosse Pointe Michigan. Nutritional Healing without Drugs or Surgery. – Alternative Health Care Center of Grosse Pointe Michigan. Call (313) 444-8404 for an appointment. Healing with Nutrition and Chiropractic. Natural remedies a…


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