world health organization

Risk of Deadly TB Exposure Grows Along US-Mexico Border

Risk of Deadly TB Exposure Grows Along US-Mexico Border

Filed under: drug treatment centers in california

In 2011, the most recent year available, Mexico had 467 MDR-TB cases, the World Health Organization estimates, while the U.S. had 124, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Almost half of the … In the Mexican state of Baja …
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Abdominal 'Chemo Bath' May Extend Survival in Ovarian Cancer Patients

Filed under: drug treatment centers in california

"Doctors are used to giving IV chemotherapy, so this is a new skill set in terms of giving the drugs," she said. "It comes with different equipment and patient instructions and side effects. As individual physicians and centers become more comfortable …
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More Guard soldiers dying of car crashes, suicide than combat

Filed under: drug treatment centers in california

Four Texas National Guard soldiers died of drug overdoses over that time. …. Brown-Nichols said she tried desperately to get him into a residential PTSD and substance abuse treatment program at the VA, but no beds were available. …. States have …
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The Vince Carter Sanctuary in Bunnell.

Filed under: drug treatment centers in california

Promoters likened the $ 8 million sanctuary opened in 2009 to the Betty Ford Center, the California treatment facility known for helping the rich and famous kick their addictions. Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare, the nonprofit organization …
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