UF Helping Unlock a Way to Prevent Weight Gain?
UF helping unlock a way to prevent weight gain?
Filed under: drug addiction help sites
Hsu added that in terms of drug development, their research lays the groundwork for potential drugs that "pharmacologically mimic a knock-out" of the TRIP-Br2 protein. "The industry's gotten burnt with anti-obesity drugs, but this is different …
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Students design billboard to fight Rx drug abuse
Filed under: drug addiction help sites
PRESCRIPTON DRUG AWARENESS BILLBOARD in North Wilkesboro was designed by members of a substance abuse prevention group at Wilkes Central High School. Members include, left to right, adult mentor Dana Zacharias with Project Lazarus, Kendrick Horton …
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Would-be Robber Sentenced
Filed under: drug addiction help sites
Fleming ended up leaving the store without any drugs, and turned himself in to police days after the incident. He has no criminal record, and was visiting relatives from Ontario last Christmas when the incident occurred. Fleming has been addicted to …
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